COVID-19 Virus Exposure Mitigation Policy and Business Continuity Planning

Statement posted on May 4th, 2020

In response to the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) interim guidance to businesses for preventing workplace exposures and illness from the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, KOI Creative and Office Spaces is providing information with its membership, both current and prospective, to facilitate health and wellness, as well as to assist in business continuity and contingency planning.

KOI is prepared to support its member companies in accordance with CDC guidance to reduce potential for exposure to COVID-19 through non-discriminatory policies for determining and reporting risk of infection in employees or members, supporting emergency deployment of business continuity and remote work policies and maintaining technical security, connectivity and Duty of Care for its members.


I.  Virus Exposure Mitigation Policy

  • To prevent stigma and discrimination, KOI Creative and Office Spaces will use only the US Guidance for Risk Assessment and Public Health Management of Persons with Potential Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Exposure in Community Settings to determine risk of COVID-19 infection. We will not make determinations of risk based on race or country of origin.

  • As is recommended by the CDC, members and guests exhibiting signs of respiratory illness, those experiencing fever within 24 hours, or those with household members with signs of respiratory illness or fever will not be able to work at a KOI Creative and Office Spaces.

  • We have reinforced the importance of our standard workplace hygiene and cleaning regime, including sanitization of all work surfaces, devices in conference rooms and shared coworking workstations after each use. Disposable cleaning wipes and hand sanitizer are available in each KOI Creative and Office Spaces location. 

  • In the event of a confirmed case within the KOI network, we will notify members and cleaning to the advanced CDC standard will be performed.


II.  Business Continuity and Contingency Planning

The CDC recommendation for reducing risks of exposure to COVID-19 in business settings is a practice known as “Social Distancing.” Social Distancing calls for reducing the size of work groups and gatherings.

  • Our network of workspaces allows member companies to support a distributed work force strategy or business continuity plan that allows employees to avoid commutes on crowded public transportation, while maintaining corporate security and Duty of Care standards.

  • Our technology infrastructure supports the increased security and bandwidth demands of remote collaboration tools and video.

  • Our conference rooms can support streaming of live presentations and events to allow for hybrid in-person/virtual event attendance by smaller or more easily monitored groups, while reducing or eliminating business travel.


III.  KOI Creative and Office Spaces Team Member Policies and Member Care

  • We have amended our sick leave policy to enable our team members to use paid sick leave, with or without a note from a healthcare provider, if they are experiencing any symptoms of respiratory illness or a fever within the past 24 hours.

  • Each KOI Creative and Office Spaces’ Community Manager is the designated point of contact for members who have concerns about workplace health and safety.  At the request of the member’s company or emergency contact, the KOI Community Manager will provide appropriate information to support the care of a member.

  • Where Shelter in Place or Stay at Home orders are in place our facilities will remain unstaffed but accessible via mobile application by those members that wish to use them who are considered members or owners of businesss considered ‘essential’. 

  • Visitors and tours to/from all KOI locations have been postponed until the Shelter in Place or Stay at Home orders have been lifted.


For more information, contact KOI Creative and Office Spaces at